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Education Industry


apnalead is our comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Education Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to the application of CRM principles and technology in the education sector to effectively manage interactions, communication, and relationships with students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders within educational institutions. Just like in other industries, an education CRM system aims to enhance engagement, streamline processes, and improve overall satisfaction.Education CRMs aim to create a seamless experience for students and stakeholders, resulting in improved student satisfaction, stronger alumni relationships, better recruitment, and enhanced overall institutional effectiveness.

Trusted by 4000+ Growing Businesses


One Software For All Industry

Multi User
Lead Integration
Instant Follow Up
Admin Dashboard
Automated Leads Distribution
categories Leads
Lead Tracking
Multi Projects
Whatsapp Alerts
Team Performance
Multi Share
Current Lead Update


FOR apnalead

Our pricing is very afforadable and suitable for startups too.